October 1st

visitors: 300 people
deposition ceremonies: 20 people

Day 12, we are here.

Silvia Di Rienzo leaves the CARE ship today.

Alessandra Cozzolino arrives in our inactive community.

A testimony recorded by a visitor to the installation after its Deposition Ceremony:

“An initial sensation of very complex claustrophobia. It was dissolved by strong olfactory perceptions, of floral water, of flowers, which led me to investigate the most… let’s say my inner jungle. It was a sensation of connection, almost as if I were kidnapped and released by green appendages of the earth, by lianas. A sensation accompanied me during this journey, very strong, pleasant olfactory perceptions, of flowers, of the smell of wet earth.”

Some drawings of floral bodies among the more than 250 drawings left to date by CARE users.

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